In the silent gaps between sounds The Bounce began

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It takes only a moment

I had an epiphany tonight while driving.

I was considering the power of a moment. And how a moment, a single shred of a second, can change everything. That happened today, this morning, a most wonderful day, the day our daughter Claudia was born.

The moment her little pale head popped out of my wifes tummy, screamed, and emerged a fully qualified daughter, changed the way I knew I would interact with the world.

Her "What the hell is this place" attitude was a powerhouse of awesomeness.

It struck me tonight in that moment, that a moment is all it takes to change the outcome of a life. If the moment is powerful enough, and you are present enough to capture its messages at the time, life can be new and exciting and changed in a second.

The worthiness of me in this life and my ability to design my life my way is far more prevelant now than it was years ago. Why? Because based my ability to watch the world around me, and to act upon that watching, that creates opportunities to build on, and from, and too.

That's why the Bounce Cafe commencement will work, crying screaming pooing baby and all.

"Time waits for no man" said Mark Twain, well close to that anyway and since I never met Mark I cannot either confirm or deny this statement.

New Dad, very excited since the birth was only at 9.44am this very morning, and very excited Mum, wish publicly our new bunny all the best for her most awesome life to come.


(PS - I meant to spell it wrong to make you laugh...)