In the silent gaps between sounds The Bounce began

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Bounce at Bounce Cafe

Coming Soon

The Bounce

So what's it all about? Why the name? Why are you seeing this?

I have wanted to set up an informal, full of laughter, casual yet specifically focused, regular get together with people who invigorate me for a few years now. And so here we are, this is it ... and it's called The Bounce.

I have named it The Bounce, in ‘Bounce Cafe,’ because when I get together with a fellow bouncer on the other side of a coffee table it's a whole new plane we exist in. The coffee arrives, the beats chill the mood and set a white noise ambiance, the words start flowing, the conversation becomes animated and that's when the ideas flow.

We are Bouncing, shooting and mingling ideas across vast spaces, we are alive, electricity flies between us and the world stops. I love it.

To be in this continual state of connection, of mind-on-mind engagement, through the process of talking, sharing, building, reaching, setting new heights, laughing, designing vision is a purpose. It’s such a powerful state that creates joint visions where connection at multiple levels occurs. The Bounce is the next step.

Nature shows us how to grow by being persistent and utilising its innermost purpose. Through shared passions I believe we can nurture our purposes, and grow as large and as far as we can see and feel, just like the lessons nature shows us every day.

That's The Bounce and that's what I want to create with all of you who come along. We may or may not have Bounced one-on-one, it does not matter. What matters is that we Bounce together now.

To me the cafe is the modern day boardroom of the free thinker who wants space to be themselves and creatively just 'be', a sacred place where navy pin striped suits and highly branded latex cycling clothes (this counts me in) mingle in perfect harmony.

I think that by looking at a few themes or ideas per Bounce we will create threads that will unite us no matter the industry you come from, no matter if you are an entrepreneur, business owner, free thinker, avid reader, senior manager or just a great coffee drinker. You are welcome to join in the fun and laughter of The Bounce as it grows. On this I'd like to impose one rule though; this is a place to talk and to share ideas, to Bounce. No non-Bouncers are allowed.

I see great value in making this not only a space for all of us to meet new people who can actually think (... it is amazing but it is true that some people do think, frequently, and as you are one of them you are most welcome ...) but to also expand our knowledge and ideas and interpretations on what we may do all day, how we think and what we think, by discussing topics relevant to all of us so we can gain the most from it to grow and become better than yesterday, to have powerful futures, to be grateful of all we have, to be wealthier in money and in life.

I believe we all deserve to be part of something bigger, to connect with clever like minded passionate individuals from all walks of life and Bounce those thoughts and ideas together. The coffee and the cafe provide the natural place to unite.

So how will we work this?

For starters this is to be monthly, and we'll see how it works after that. If it becomes a fortnightly thing all the better.

I have a mind to make this invite only. To have it open to only those who set the vision in companies, to those who own a company, to those who run companies, to those who leverage off staff to be successful. The rest will flow, I have faith.

The vision of Bounce Cafe is to share on a non-commercially orientated basis how things work in your neck of the woods. Bounce Cafe is not about swapping business cards. Its peer to peer discussions around topics applicable to all of us, no matter the industry.

And of course a cafe is the perfect setting to let the ideas flow while wrapping your hand around a steaming cup of coffee.

August is Bounce Cafe time.

Those who know this know of Cafe Wisdom.

And all of this over a cup of coffee! It's my favourite pastime.

Share your ideas of dates to meet.

Let's Bounce.

Rob Shearwood

Avid coffee drinker and ideas bouncer!!!

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